At Rosie's Childcare, we offer a wide range of age specific activites for the children to explore and we often structure our learning around topics, celebrations and key events (e.g. Halloween)
Child development and learning is measured through a series of observations, however as we know, children and babies develop at different speeds and stages, so we use our observations as a guide only to assess each child's progress and help identifiy areas to focus on.

EYFS Activities

For Babies
Babies start absorbing information from the moment they are born. They require a lot of stimulation, interaction and care to develop well, especially in the early years.
Motor Skills
Copying facial expressions
Building Bricks
Music/ Singing
Story time
For Toddlers
We subtly incorporate the Early Years Foundation Stage into play and activities for the younger children.
Example activities include:
Rice and Pasta play
Building Bricks
Story time
Water & sand
For Pre-School Children
We actively follow the Early Years Foundation Stage for children up until age 5 through a range of activities.
Examples activities include:
Arts & Crafts
Wet Play
Story time
Role Play
Dressing up