Meals Provided
Our healthy, fresh & tasty home cooked meals, lovingly prepared on site!
We provide your child with healthy, hot & cold, home cooked food for their breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. We also accomodate for allergies and specific dietary requirements ensuring every child gets to enjoy a variety of food!
View our weekly sample menu below.

A Sample Weekly Menu

Breakfast: A selection of healthy cereals, porridge, Weetabix or toast
Snacks: A selection of fruit, raisins, prawn crackers, prawn toast, spring rolls, rice cakes, flapjack, cheese straws, scones etc.
Tea/ Dinner: A selection of sandwiches, crumpets, wraps, pancake rolls, fruit and yoghurt.
* Our menu is designed to provide our children with a well balanced, healthy diet and we have tried to cater for the majority. However, please let us know if your child/ children have any special dietary requirements or allergies.
Food Allergens
New EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No. 1169/2011)
Food Allergies – New allergen information rules have recently been passed which affects all food and drink prepared within the Setting.
Early Years Settings have to comply with the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No. 1169/2011). The Setting now has a legal responsibility to provide accurate allergen information to parents/carers, children and staff for every food and drink item provided that contains any of the 14 allergens as ingredients.